A genre busting rock odyssey that makes Chinese Man look like fucking Be Here Now, and Sgt. Wilson's follow up album Welcome To The Barn look like some crap that Kings of Leon would come out with.

There are ten tracks all of which are better than each other, and more insightful about the modern world we live in than Billy Brag sucking on a copy of some Richard Dawkins book. Riots, knife crime, Eamon Holmes and loads of other stuff all come under fire from Sgt. Wilson. Fight the power.

1. Intro - a self-explanatory track. A soaring distortion filled bass riff that’ll remind you of THE FALL and that is because it is ripped off from THE FALL.
2. My Day Off - a happy go lucky tale of what Sgt. Wilson gets up to during down time. Mainly making bloody great music and staring at the woman across the street.
3. Egypt - revolution and blood on the streets, this African themed track deals with both those issues without the need for vocals. A truly revolutionary track.
4. ELO - don’t like ELO? I don’t care. They have nothing to do with this pumping upbeat bass riff.
5. Summer Shorts - another instrumental track representing shorts that you might wear during those hot, hot months of April.
6. In The Sea - a freestyle jamming wig out improvised on the spot, which means that even if you think it is shit, you are supposed to be impressed.
7. Eurovision Party - chilled out piano vibes with a blues solo at the end. Murders in Shepherds Bush and poor architecture in Exeter High Street – both these get a right grilling from Sgt. Wilson.
8. Pure Beef - a punk riff to blow your minds.
9. Terrirotial Pissings - “Oh why is he messing with a classic, it’ll be rubbish…” Shut up and die. Its brilliant and you should be ashamed.
10. Sinister Purpose - A Creedance cover that is genuinely amazing.

Essential information:

All of this was recorded using a Yamaha keyboard, a Musicman Stingray bass, a Vintage stingray replica bass, some cheapo guitar I bought off Skilton, and a voicebox like fucking velvet.

The album is called KIWI SPOON. “That sounds like the name of some novelty record.” No, it doesn’t. This isn’t novelty, this is real life.

The whole album plus artwork in a ZIP file. RIGHT HERE!!